A Naturals Dictionary

Hey Curl Friends

I’m sure talking to a naturalista may be difficult, especially if you don’t know half of what they’re talking about. Before I became natural, I remember thinking what in the world are these ladies saying/trying to explain to me.

I get it. So first things first, I’m going to give you curlies some words/terms that you should know. You may not read all terms this instant but it will be here to refer back to. I’m sure it will pop up sooner or later so best be prepared!

2nd Day Hair: Your hair on the second day of being styled. Many people use this term to describe how their hair looks once they wake up the next day.

ACV: Apple Cider Vinegar. Can be used as a rinse before conditioning to seal/help tighten the cuticle layer

APL: Arm Pit Length hair

BAA: Big Ass Fro (I can’t wait to get mine back)

Baggying: Used at bed-time to seal in moisture. (Very helpful for those with dry hair and dry ends). You moisture your hair & then place a shower cap or plastic bag (just buy the shower cap) on your head.  

Banding: A method used to avoid shrinkage. You put your hair in a ponytail and then continue placing elastic bands down your hair.

BC: Big Chop. When you finally stop the transitioning phase and become fully natural by chopping off your permed ends.

BNC: Braid n Curl. When you put braids in your hair and then curl the ends using perm rods.

BSL: Bra Strap Length

BSS: Beauty Supply Store

CBL: Collarbone Length

Co-Wash: Using conditioner to wash your hair rather than using shampoo

Cones: Shorter version of silicones. Products containing silicones are often rejected by naturals because it creates build-up if not washed out & that must be removed by shampoo.  If not washed out it can lead to breakage.

Cuticle:  The outer layer of your hair, which is also the thinnest layer. It protects the cortex (another layer of hair) from chemicals

DT/DC: Deep Treatment & Deep Conditioner. Process of leaving a conditioner on your hair for a long period of time so that the conditioner can penetrate the cuticle helping with moisture & strength. Many times used with mild source of heat for about 15-30 minutes.

Dusting: A form of lightly trimming your ends. Lightly meaning very little to the point that what was cut would only look like dust. Only trimming about ¼ of an inch or less.

EO: Essential Oils

EVCO: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Used to seal in moisture

EVOO: Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Used in conditioning treatments to also lock in moisture

Hair Types: I HATE HAIR TYPING. But if you are curious here is how they are typically classified (1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3c, 4a, 4b, 4c). There is a picture below for reference.

 “Naturally straight hair is Type 1, loose-wavy hair is type 2, curly hair is type 3 and coily hair is type 4. In the case of types 3 and 4, the sub-classifications from a - c, are based upon the diameter of the curl or coil. For instance a type 3a curl may have the diameter of a nickel, a 3b, like a dime. Type 4, ranges from the diameter of a pencil eraser (4a), to the diameter of an ink pen spring (4b), and even smaller than that, (type 4c). In some cases, hair may even have a tight z zigzag pattern and no coil at all.”

HIH: Hand in hair. Ladies keep your hands out of your hair. A bad habit that will cause your hair to frizz and maybe even some breakage.

No-Poo:  Refers to not using shampoo, Ever!

MBL: Mid-Back Length

Pineappling: Used at bed-time to place your hair into one big loose puff/ponytail on the top of your head. This helps preserve your curls for the next day.

PJ: Product junky (ME). Someone who loves to buy and try new products looking for the best out there.

Plopping: A way of drying your hair by using a cotton t-shirt or paper towel. Helps with drying time by absorbing the excess moisture from your hair.

Pre-Poo: Being that shampoo tends to dry your hair pre-pooing is a treatment method used before you wash your hair. Can be done the night before or same day before shampooing.

Protective Styling: Putting your hair in a style that is not damaging to your ends and doesn’t put strain on your edges. It helps keep your ends of your back and protects from outside elements. Examples are buns, braids, twists, etc.

Sealing:  Using natural oils & butters to lock in moisture. To properly lock in moisture, oils & butters must be used after you have put a water-based moisturizer on your hair. If not, you defeated the purpose of the oil and will instead have some DAH (dry ass hair).

Search & Destroy: Searching for damaged ends and snipping it away using hair scissors only.

Slip: Describes how slippery a product is. The slippery the better it is for manageability of your hair (especially for detangling).

SLS: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Found in basic shampoos that leaves the hair dry as ever

TNC: Twist n Curl. You put twists in your hair and curl the ends with perm rods or rollers

Transitioning: The process of stopping the use of perms & relaxers to return your hair to its natural state. This is done for naturals who rather trim the permed ends off in stages opposed to doing the BC.

TWA: Teeny Weeny Afro

Twist Out: Putting your hair in double strand twists, let it dry, and then undoing the twists.

Wash n Go: A quick and easy style (Perfect for my lazy naturals) where you co-wash your hair then apply gel/cream and Go to let air dry.


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